Our Services


Trauma and disease are also reasons that may require permanent tooth extraction.


Providing a Nearly Pain-Free Experience

In some cases, when a tooth breaks through the gum, brushing and keeping those areas clean can be difficult and lead to higher incidences of decay and soft tissue infections. Trauma and disease are also reasons that may require permanent tooth extraction. Extracting a tooth is a very common procedure and one that can be done under IV sedation.

Reasons for tooth removal

  • Periodontal Disease

    Periodontal disease damages the gums and can destroy the jawbone and infect more teeth.

  • Infection

    Bacteria can collect and may cause infection.

  • Pain

    This is the most common symptom.

  • Decay

    Wisdom teeth can cause decay or resorption of neighboring teeth.

  • Sinus Issues

    Eruption may cause sinus pain, pressure and congestion.

  • Impaction

    Impacted teeth cannot be used to chew.

  • Crowding

    Teeth may shift, undoing the effects of braces.

  • Cysts and/or Tumors

    A fluid-filled cyst or tumor may form, and this can lead to more serious problems, such as damage to nerves, teeth and other structures.

Length of Procedure

This length of your procedure typically takes 30 to 60 minutes, but will depend on the number of teeth being extracted. You can expect to be in our office 1.5 to 2 hours which accounts for consultation, procedure and in-office recovery time.